An acrostic poem about information governance

Information is power, but also a responsibility

Needs to be collected, stored, and used ethically

Facts must be accurate and protected from harm

Organizing data ensures it can be found and understood

Responsibility for data falls on all, not just IT

Managing data includes setting policies and procedures

Access controls are necessary to maintain security

Training is key to making sure everyone follows best practices

It is an ongoing process, always subject to review and improvement

Oversight is required to ensure compliance and accountability

Never neglect the importance of information governance


I guess I can be a poet and not even know it. Or maybe not. To be truthful, I did NOT write this poem. The Chat GPT conversational AI engine wrote it in response to the prompt “Write me an acrostic poem about information governance.”  I did not edit it.

If the man/machine collaborative on the written word isn’t revolutionary enough, the image I used for this post was created by the DALL-E 2 AI engine, a new AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language. 

My prompt was, “Create an image for Information Governance in the style of Pablo Picasso.

.Meanwhile, registration is now open for MER 2023. Make your plans NOW.

And don’t forget this post - 11 Key Information Governance Trends


Two glimmers of hope on the authenticity horizon


11 Key Information Governance Trends