The world is about to turn upside down…

There are moments in which the world seems to turn radically on its head, times when things can potentially change SO dramatically that assumptions one took for granted become suspect.

That’s the story of this post, but wait until the end of the post to find out why…

Why is information governance important?

Information governance is important because it helps organizations to manage their information in a way that is secure, compliant with relevant regulations, and aligned with their business goals. This can help organizations to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their information, and to ensure that they are able to use it effectively to support their operations and decision-making.

Other factors: Information governance can help organizations to avoid the risks and costs associated with poor information management, such as data breaches, non-compliance, and inefficiencies.

What are the three most important things an organization can do to improve information security?

There are many different things that organizations can do to improve their information security, and the most effective strategies will vary depending on the specific needs and goals of the organization. However, some general steps that organizations can take to improve their information security include:

  1. Conduct a thorough assessment of their current information security practices and identify any gaps or weaknesses. This can help organizations to understand their current security posture and to prioritize their efforts to improve it.

  2. Implement effective security controls and technologies to protect against a range of potential threats. This can include measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, encryption, and access controls.

  3. Develop and implement a robust information security policy that outlines the organization's security objectives and goals, and establishes clear rules and procedures for employees to follow. This can help to ensure that all employees understand their roles and responsibilities in maintaining the security of the organization's information.

Additional ideas: Organizations may also want to consider providing regular security training to their employees, as well as conducting regular security audits and reviews to ensure that their security controls and policies are effective and up to date.

How can organizations best determine the authenticity of information and data?

There are several steps that organizations can take to help determine the authenticity of information and data. These can include:

  1. Verifying the source of the information: Organizations can check the source of the information to determine if it is reliable and credible. This can involve checking the credentials of the author or organization that produced the information, and looking for other sources that support or confirm the information.

  2. Evaluating the content of the information: Organizations can carefully review the content of the information to determine if it is accurate, complete, and relevant to their needs. This can involve checking the information against other sources, and looking for any inconsistencies or discrepancies.

  3. Assessing the context of the information: Organizations can consider the context in which the information was produced, including the time, place, and audience for which it was intended. This can help to determine if the information is appropriate and applicable to the organization's needs.

Additional ideas: Organizations may also want to consider using technologies such as digital signatures and other authentication methods to help verify the authenticity of information and data. These technologies can provide a more objective and reliable way to confirm the identity of the source and the integrity of the information.

And now the punch line. I did not write a single word of this post. Not one.

You may have seen cryptic references the past week to ChatGPT. If you haven’t heard of it, it has the fastest growing user base in the history of technology. It is a conversational AI system that listens, learns, and challenges. It is part of the reason that Google stock went down 10% last week.

It is amazing. It is addictive. Try it and see.

And it will create a massive new set of information governance, authenticity, and trust issues. More on the implications of ChatGPT in next week’s post.

Meanwhile, registration is now open for MER 2023. Make your plans NOW.


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The OxyMorons - Collaboration, Compliance, and Analytics - S3E2